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Working with ECCHO, a program of Wisconsin Alliance for Women's Health

ECCHO is investing in and lifting-up BIPOC women from WI with the purpose of facilitating collaboration to drive policy change and transform local systems to equitably meet the needs of communities. Although the program has a structure and is broken into 4 phases, it actively engages the reality that community-led change is fluid and requires flexibility.

While these women create change, we will utilize the humanities to express their work how they see fit. With the objective of empowerment and representation, the use of the humanities will affirm their control over their stories throughout and after the program.

The outcome and deliverable of this project will be a website that houses all media and content collected. This website can be utilized by ECCHO and WAWH to share the accessibility and work of the program, by participants for future endeavors, and referenced by those interested in participating in upcoming cohorts.

While curated by us, the content and website will be approved and critiqued by the participants to assure desired representation.

We will facilitate interviews with the 2023 ECCHO cohort using purposeful techniques similar to Kuwentuhan to collect stories and experiences. This form of media will offer the chance for participants to speak up and out about their ongoing work and experiences. Including audio recording upholds the fact that all voices matter and they are powerful.

Including videography of the participants, communities, and accompanying aspects allows for an immersive experience of the community and coalition happening within ECCHO. It gives the chance for participants to celebrate the organic and innovate nature of what they're doing through use of sound and visual in one.

Photography will allow for an additional form of expression and creativity as the cohort sees fit. These photos will be able to be utilized by WAWH, ECCHO participants, and beyond as a way to express their work and impact.


How did we get connected with WAWH and ECCHO?

A coworker of ours worked with WAWH previously and based on WAWH's mission and our coworker's experience we reached out to Sara Finger. We shared our interests with Sara to see if we can apply our skills to a need of WAWH, partnering with ECCHO was the answer to this hopeful collaboration.

Are we attending ECCHO cohort meetings?

Cohorts meet twice a month in their respective locations (Dane, Rock, and Milwaukee county). We will be working with WAWH and ECCHO participants in each cohort to attend and involve ourselves with their meetings on their terms and as they see fit. We want to supplement and support their work, not interrupt.

What are the ECCHO cohort projects?

Currently each cohort is in Phase 3 (of 4), which is when they have developed the skills and research to begin brainstorming projects and drafting creations. We will be in touch with Kadijha (ECCHO Director) and the Local Coordinators to stay up to date throughout the process. As of 3/27 the projects are being finalized by the end of the week.

How are ECCHO participants compensated?

WAWH is compensating all participants $20/hr for their time within the ECCHO program. WAWH has kindly extended that compensation to cover the additional effort, energy, and time spent working with us. On a similar note, WAWH recognizes the complex lives of participants and requires 3 hours of paid time dedicated to self-care every month. We will be upholding this type of professional respect during our project.

How will the website be upheld and continued after we part ways? 

The website and supplemental materials are desired and seen as a necessity for the longevity and success of the ECCHO program, meaning WAWH is prepared to take these on once the program ends. The website you are currently on is WAWH's home site for ECCHO, so the project website will be within ECCHO's site for ease of access and consistency. This home site of ECCHO is upkept and updated by the WAWH professional staff and they are happy to upkeep the webpage(s) we will make.

What components make up the ECCHO program?

The ECCHO website does an amazing job explaining these pieces and we implore you to explore their website to hear straight from them how they are achieving their goals.


Ciboney Reglos & Kali Froncek

From Ciboney: With my passion for public health and my own identity, I approach public health with a sense of cultural understanding – a practice that marries the insight I gain through my Global Health, Health Policy, and Southeast Asian studies and Filipino American identity – so that minoritized communities can be supported by someone who truly represents and advocates for them.

From Kali: I'm a third-year, nontraditional undergrad interested in Indigenous cultures, health practices, public humanities, and engaging communities. I'm dedicated to the One Health approach and how health outcomes benefit from the ground up through community engagement and support.

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