ECCHO Glossary
Active Listening:
a way of listening and responding to another person that improves mutual understanding. It is an important first step to defuse the situation and seek solutions to problems.
Stands for Black, Indigenous, and people of color. Pronounced “bye-pock,” this is a term specific to the United States, intended to center the experiences of Black and Indigenous groups and demonstrate solidarity between communities of color.
Collective Impact:
A network of community members, organizations, and institutions who advance equity by learning together, aligning, and integrating their actions to achieve population and systems level change.
Political Determinants of Health:
Involve the systematic process of structuring relationships, distributing resources, and administering power, operating simultaneously in ways that mutually reinforce or influence one another to shape opportunities that either advance health equity or exacerbate health inequities.
Radical Imagination:
A tool, practice, and way of being that pushes us toward the insights and strategies that remind us that a new world is not only possible — it is indeed happening all around us.
Asset Mapping:
A process whereby a community's assets are specifically identified, described, and often (but not always) visualized geographically on a map.
Civic Health:
The civic, social, and political strength of a community, which is determined by the degree to which citizens participate in their communities, from local and state governance to interactions with friends or family.
Implicit Bias:
A form of bias that occurs automatically and unintentionally, that nevertheless affects judgments, decisions, and behaviors.
Social Determinants of Health (SDOH):
The conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks.